Temperature Service

The Knut temperature service is represented by the Temperature object. The incoming communication from the server is handled by the TemperatureClient which calls a corresponding handler method for each message type. The temperature object it self can only read data from the server and can not change the temperature (… that would be an awesome feature).

class Temperature : public QObject


property Temperature::condition

The code point for the current of the weather icon.

property Temperature::location

The location where the temperature is measured.

property Temperature::temperature

The temperature in degree Celsius.

property Temperature::unit

The unit symbol in which the temperature is given.

property Temperature::timeHistory

The time points matching the temperatureHistory in milliseconds since the epoch January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 (UTC).

property Temperature::temperatureHistory

The temperature history matching the timeHistory.

class TemperatureClient : public QObject

Public Types

enum MessageId

Message ID used to communicate with the Knut server via the KnutClient::writeRequest().

For more details read the client API documentation of the server.



Requests the temperature status for a single location. The message must have the key uniqueName.


The status of a single temperature.


Request a list of all temperature locations with their status.


A list of temperature locations with their status.


Request the temperature history for a single location.


The temperature history of a single location with the corresponding time history.

Public Functions

void connectToClient(KnutClient *socket)

Connects to the KnutClient knutClient.

Connects the onKnutConnected() slot to the KnutClient::knutConnected() signal and the onReadyRead() slot to the signal KnutClient::receivedMessage() signal.

Public Slots

void onKnutConnected()

Slot is called when the connection state of the KnutClient to the Knut server changed.

void onReadyRead(const QJsonObject &payload, const quint8 &serviceId, const quint16 &messageId)

Slot called when a message is available.

If a message is received by the KnutClient, this slot is called. If the serviceId is 0x01, a corresponding response handle method is called for the messageId.




property TemperatureClient::temperatureModel

The model of all temperatures with the roles location and temperature where temperature references to a Temperature service.

property TemperatureClient::localWeather

The local weather Temperature object.