Local Service

The Local service is a unique service in the way, that it has now service client like the TaskClient for the Task service. This is because the local service holds only information for one location e.g. the location where your home is.

class Local : public QObject

A implementation of the Knut local service.

Public Types

enum MessageType

This enum type describes the message types used to communicate with the Knut server via the KnutClient::writeRequest() as specified by the Knut local API.



Requests the local information.


The local information send by the server.

Public Functions

void connectToClient(KnutClient *knutClient)

Connects to the KnutClient knutClient.

Connects the onKnutConnected() slot to the KnutClient::knutConnected() signal and the onReadyRead() slot to the signal KnutClient::receivedMessage() signal.

Public Slots

void onReadyRead(const QJsonObject &message, const quint8 &serviceId, const quint16 &messageType)

Slot called when a message is available.

If a message is received by the KnutClient, this slot is called. If the serviceId is 0x04, the message will be handled.




property Local::isDaylight

This property describes whether it is currently day or night.

property Local::nextSunRise

This property holds the date and time of the next sun rise.

property Local::nextSunSet

This property holds the date and time of the next sun set.

property Local::location

This property holds the location name.